De praktijk is gesloten vanwege vakantie van woensdag 18 sept t/m vrijdag 20 sept.

De POH is wel aanwezig, deze afspraken gaan dus gewoon door!

Let op!!! U Kunt zich pas inschrijven als u eerst een kennismakingsgesprek heeft gehad !!  U kunt dit telefonisch aanvragen via de assistente. DUS: inschrijfformulieren zonder kennismakingsgesprek worden niet gehonoreerd!!

NB !!! You can only register if you first had an introductory meeting !!  Please request via telephone. SO: registrationforms without introductionmeeting can not be accepted!!



Request form personal and medical data

If you wish to submit an application for inspection, copy, correction or destruction of medical data at our general practice, you can use the application form below.

You can print, fill in and sign the application form.

We request you to bring the application form to the GP practice yourself along with your proof of identity so we can verify your identity. 
Since compiling your copy may take several days and will take place after approval of your application it is not possible to wait for your copy at the general practice.

If your application can be fulfilled, a copy of the requested data will be sent to you by post. 
Note that the GP practice is not liable for mistakes in mail delivery. If you prefer to collect the copy in person (or by an authorized representative) at the GP practice, you can indicate this on the form.


Request form personal and medical data

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